8:00 am Registration & Coffee
Empowering Sustainability Through Transparent Data Reporting
9:00 am Panel Discussion: Driving Agri-Industry Transparency to Foster Collaboration, Build Trust, & Ensure Credible Sustainability Reporting
- Highlighting strategies to aligning corporate, regulatory, and farmer-level priorities to create a unified approach
- Discussing implications of the corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD)
- Diving into challenges in sharing data while protecting competitiveness and privacy
10:00 am Carbon Accounting in Agricultural Supply Chains: Eight Building Blocks
- Based on a recent OECD report developed with a broad group of experts and stakeholders
- Identifies the eight building blocks necessary for reliable and widespread carbon accounting
- Shows that many of these building blocks are falling into place, and identifies where more development and alignment is needed
10:30 am Morning Break & Speed Networking
As the agricultural supply chain industry is united take this opportunity to meet everyone in the room with this structured networking session, designed to allow for meaningful conversations and connections to be built.
Streamlining Data Transfer in the Supply Chain for Seamless Collaboration
11:30 am Providing Incentives Throughout the Supply Chain for More Sustainable Production via Eco Labelling of Products
- Methods to generate verified sustainability scores for products for transparent reporting
- Using LCA databases
- Measuring impact of sustainable interventions on product footprint
- Aggregating product data
12:00 pm Roundtable Discussion: Distribution of Carbon Reductions Throughout the Supply Chain: Who Gets the Credit?
- Discussing strategies to prevent double counting when claiming carbon reductions throughout the supply chain
- Diving into different scenarios of carbon footprint reduction in a multi-enterprise farm to discuss which supply chain benefits from the reductions
12:30 pm Networking Lunch
1:30 pm Challenges Linked to Responsible Allocation of Farm-Level Data to Different Enterprises
- Harmonised approach for implementing a mass balance chain of custody for transparent tracking – progress and challenges in the dairy sector
- Allocating carbon benefits: with multiple co-products and offtakers – challenges and need for sectoral guidelines
- Data needs, challenges and available tools for the dairy sector
Effective Enforcement of Standard Compliance to Ensure Accountability
2:15 pm Navigating Voluntary Standards Through Rigorous Emission Mapping & Measurable Goals
- Discussing drivers for companies to measure their emissions
- Understanding emissions mapping and accounting methodologies that companies down the supply chain use
- Retailer and dairy companies gathering supplier specific data to increase primary data and show progress towards goals
2:45 pm Afternoon Break & Poster Session
Enjoy some refreshments while looking at informative posters brought in by fellow participants. If you would like to submit a poster for this session, please enquire.
Leveraging New Technologies & Insights for Efficiency in the Industry
4:00 pm Developing a Decarbonisation Roadmap: Procurement, Logistics & Emerging Technologies
- Define the role of the PMO team in executing a decarbonisation roadmap and achieving engagement targets
- Evaluate the role of emerging technologies and biogas projects in reducing emissions across production and logistics and how that is communicated to stakeholders in the supply chain
- Engage farmers and agricultural suppliers to drive adoption of decarbonisation initiatives across the supply chain