Liz Bowles

Company: Hayne Oak Farm
Job title: Owner
Case Study: Using Carbon Accounting Tools at the Farm Level to Generate Reliable Primary Data 9:00 am
Exploring the integration of carbon accounting tools with farm management systems for better data consistency Presenting case study results on how data accuracy leads to more effective carbon reduction strategies Exploring how data harmonisation and standardisation can be achievedRead more
day: Conference Day Two
Roundtable Discussion: Identifying Strategies to Engage Different Farm Types for Farm-Level Change Toward Net-Zero 9:30 am
Comparing interactions with vertically integrated farms versus large estate versus smallholder farms What are the main hurdles to farmer engagement with carbon tools? Discussing potential training programs that are required to involve farmers and growersRead more
day: Conference Day Two
Panel Discussion: Understanding Critical Barriers Between Harmonisation Throughout the Supply Chain & Next Steps Forward for the Agri Industry 1:45 pm
Examining the challenges of aligning diverse stakeholder interests, from farmers to retailers, in pursuit of unified goals Defining actionable steps to drive industry-wide alignment while fostering innovation and sustainabilityRead more
day: Conference Day Two